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Geschrieben von motore am 21.12.2003 um 11:33:

  13 frames to AMAROK

Hello everybody; I suppose you think nothing much is happening at the moment... Ah-ah-ah!

we at are starting in a few days the "13 frames project", aka "The AMAROK project" - the idea is very simple: at the first stage of the project, we will produce a videoclip to the 1 hour music of our mike oldfield, this only made out of 13 quite similar frames.

if you want to join in, we first need somebody who cares to traduce the italian pages of this project in english, so that mike too will be able to follow what's going on (is this maybe a first step for -not the next, but- the nexts-next MusicVR's episodes...?)

for mike: don't panic, we will try to contact you personnaly to discuss about the whole thing, even if it was only for permissions...

here is the link to the project:

here you can download the 13 frames as a AVI or GIF movie. step by step, we will have it!


Geschrieben von Zephro_C. am 21.12.2003 um 13:55:


Terribly Sorry, but the link is not working.

Is that because of, the Movie is not finished yet?

Anyway it seems to be an quite interesting Project, you have there. Im courious, how it will continue.

It would be cool, if you could do a little reporte in here, form time to time to inform us about the current status of your worke.

Good luck then. Augenzwinkern

Geschrieben von Gelöscht am 21.12.2003 um 14:00:


Original von Zephro_C.
Terribly Sorry, but the link is not working.

Geschrieben von Zephro_C. am 21.12.2003 um 15:54:


Sounds interesting, but don't you think, that a piece of burning coal is a little too boring to watch?

Hm, maybe, if you make it realy variadly, with changing color. But I'm really not shure about that.
In any case it's a challange.

Im looking forward to your final results. I know how hard it is, to make a Video Clip, becaus I made some by myselve, several times.

So, good Luck. With the little amount of material, it will be hard worke. smile

Geschrieben von motore am 21.12.2003 um 19:30:

  ver 1.0b

for zephro & holger : thanks for noticing the error in the url - sorry, fixed!

sure, we will try to exctract the most we can out of the 13 frames for the ver 1.0, sort of minimalistic project, but... that's not all:

the ver 1.0b will also be released, this being made out of similar (or not) contributions from anyone who wants to join in - the aim being to have a first pool of creative people interested in the amarok music and in the making it visual too!
once that, we can move on and try to make something that would be 3d (in a similar way to the MusicVirtualReality), containing also all of the precedent versions, and much, much more...

simply that: let's start small; if it works, it will get bigger -

Geschrieben von Zephro_C. am 21.12.2003 um 20:00:


Have you ever thoght of using landscape or space photos for your Project?

Or maybe in some cases, pictures of war reportings or storms, hurricains or some of these impressive flashes.

I guess that would be a little more interesting.

There are so much ways to give Mike's music a face, because the different parts of his tunes have always a diffrent mood.

For Example Herest Ridge. It sounds like autumn or winter and extremly fores like, if you know what I mean.

But I'm still keen on seeing, waht can be made of the phrames, you chose.

If I fond the time I maybe would helb, but currently I'm verry bussy with some of my own, not oldfield related projects, but with much less artistical challange than your project.

Forensoftware: Burning Board 2.3.6, entwickelt von WoltLab GmbH